iDevBooks Blog
iDevBooks math apps in the REMLE Project study
In 2011 Teresa Vasquez-Terry contacted me to ask if I would like to have some of my math apps in a study of autistic children to show that iPad works and how it works. I was happy to let them use all of my then 17 math apps in the study. Read more...
Newspapers as a tool for learning
Newspapers were a high-tech invention and their use in education shows that teachers have always been willing to seek new ways to use the latest technology. Imagine an invention in the 17th century that had fresh content every day that you could just flip through page by page. Newspapers were the iPad and Flipboard of the 17th century. Read more...
Let the children play
Free playtime is in decline in countries all over the World. Japanese photographer Keiki Haginoya decided in 1979 to document children at play on the streets of Tokyo. He intended to make it his life’s work but he had to stop after just 17 years: there were no children playing on the streets any more. Read more...