Place Value Multiplication
for iPad and Windows 10 PCs
Understanding the concept of places and values in the base then system is essential for long-term understanding. In multiplication place value is essential to understanding what happens when performing regrouping.
This math app is about visually multiplying two numbers using place value discs.
- numbers with 1 - 3 digits
- random problems
- custom problems
One of four apps in the iDevBooks Place Value series
- Place Value Addition
- Place Value Subtraction
- Place Value Multiplication
- Place Value Division
Place Value Multiplication preview video
Place Value Multiplication in the Apple VPP Store for Education
The Volume Purchase Program allows participating educational institutions to purchase iDevBooks math apps in volume and distribute them to students. All iDevBooks math apps offer special 50% discount for purchases of 20 apps or more for participating educational institutions.
Place Value Multiplication in the VPP store